Waterfowling at its finest is the best way to describe this hunt. 

The early season finds you pursuing the local greater Canada geese and puddle ducks in the abundant grain and pea fields and

potholes in the area.  Mid-September thru the first of November, the Northern birds start moving in.  Specklebellies, Snows, Ross, Greater and Lesser Canada geese migrating in seemingly endless waves are a daily spectacle. Mix in the clouds of Mallards and Pintails that bombard the fields with reckless abandon, and you are experiencing a piece of Alberta’s parkland paradise.



Please contact us for details of our Alberta hunting options


A Waterfowler’s Dream

All hunting is done from comfortable blinds over a spread of quality decoys. Our outfitter’s guides are proficient callers that have years of waterfowling experience and do not shoot with the clients. Their dogs are seasoned labs and a joy to watch work. Most shooting is done within twenty yards. 


Your mornings will be spent field hunting geese in pea, barley, or wheat stubble fields. After a short break for lunch and maybe a snooze, the afternoons bring duck hunting on one of the

numerous potholes or fields. You may also join your guide or one of the scouts on a trip to locate the hot field for the following day’s shoot.

Alberta has very liberal bag limits for waterfowl.  The dark goose limit is 8 birds/day which may include 8 white fronts, the light goose limit is 50 birds/day, and the duck limit is 8 birds/day, 8 of which may be pintails.  Possession limits are three daily bags.  Needless to say, you will need a large cooler to bring your birds home.