
The King of Volume Shooting

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You have heard about it.  You have dreamed about it.  Now is the time to experience Argentina and its plethora of wingshooting

opportunities.  The vast Argentine countryside offers unlimited

options for the ultimate mixed-bag. Whether ducks, geese, doves,

pigeons, or perdiz are your quarry, or any combination of them, you can be assured that they will be available in abundance to challenge

all of your wingshooting skills. 



Duck hunting is done over decoys out of comfortable blinds or in flooded grain fields.  Decoy shooting and pass shooting are available.  You should expect to encounter numerous varieties of ducks including: Rosy Billed Pochard (Argentina’s equivalent to the mallard), White Cheeked and Yellow Billed Pintail, Silver Teal, Speckled Teal, Red Shoveler, whistling ducks, Chiloe Wigeon, and many other species.

World class dove and pigeon hunting is offered with a high mountain valley backdrop.  Our operation is the only one in the area.  Daily limits of 200 pigeons/person and unlimited doves.  This is an outstanding operation, where service is the number one priority and bird numbers that will astound you. Choose from pigeons, doves, or mixed bird shoots.  This is a hunt you won’t forget and will bring you back for more.

The perdiz hunting is classic upland hunting over pointing dogs.  Perdiz, which are usually found in singles, inhabit flat grass pastureground that is wide open for spectacular shooting opportunities.  Two varieties are pursued, the Common Perdiz, which is similar to a Hungarian Partridge, and the Red Perdiz, which is more like a pheasant.




Here are a few of our available packages. We create custom itineraries for groups based on their interests!

Standard package A: Five full days of mixed-bag hunting with emphasis on waterfowl. These hunts have Estancia accommodations and superb Argentine cuisine. All transportation, including airport pickup and return as well as assistance through customs are also included. Your Airfare to Buenos Aires, shells, and gratuities are not included.  These hunts are offered April-August.


Hunt price: Contact us for pricing



Standard package B: Five and a half days of hunting. Two full days of High volume dove hunting in Cordoba and three and a half days of waterfowl hunting. These hunts have Estancia accommodations and superb Argentine cuisine. In country air transportation is not included in the price. Assistance with domestic flights and private charters is available. All other transportation, including airport pickup and return as well as assistance through customs are also included. Airfare to Buenos Aires from the U.S. is not included. These hunts offered April-August.


Hunt Price: Contact us for pricing



Cordoba Dove Package: 4 full days of wide-open high volume dove and pigeon hunting. Experience the world’s best dove hunting where birds are measured in millions, not thousands. Your stay will be in Hotel accommodations in a scenic mountain valley. Your meals can only be described as over the top. This is one of those hunts that you will gain weight on as the Argentine cuisine seems to bombard you non-stop, like the doves. The hunts are conducted in fields close by (usually 40 minutes or less).  Pigeon hunts are limited to 200 birds/person/day. We guarantee nothing as far as the number of shells that you can/will shoot in a day, but the average is 1000 rounds a day/hunter, and recently 1000 rounds an hour was recorded. Packages can be set up to include a predetermined number of shells.  These hunts are set up for four full days of hunting.  Custom trips of different lengths  are also available.  Daily hunting licenses, all transportation, including airport pickup and return as well as assistance through customs are also included. Your Airfare to Cordoba, shells ($13/Box), massage, and gratuities are not included. 


Hunt Price: Contact us for pricing



· Cordoba high volume dove and pigeon hunting (Year round)

· Dove and waterfowl combos (April-August)

· Cast and blast with doves, ducks, and Dorado

· Trout fishing and Red Stag hunting in Patagonia

· Red Stag hunts


Custom trips catered to your group’s interests and are also available year round. 

Contact us for the specific pricing.